Preliminary Information:
About the Journal
Language Policy in Africa (LPIA) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that will be published twice a year, starting with an inaugural issue in early 2025. It is published under the auspices of the Edinburgh Circle on the Promotion of African Languages (ECPAL) by the University of Bern, Switzerland.
The journal supports the idea that African languages are key to Africa's development, also in the context of decolonisation. Currently, the majority of African languages are typically not used in formal settings although they are widely used in informal ones. It seems evident that more use of African languages in formal domains is not merely desirable; it is unavoidable to ensure inclusivity. Linguists and other social scientists have an important role to play in researching, discussing, and thus helping to shape practical, efficient, rational, and inclusive African language-based policies on the whole continent.
LPIA is committed to publishing original and sound articles by scholars who study the challenges and opportunities for African language policies from the above perspectives. What is the state of language policies in individual African countries and, generally, on the Continent? What is the sociolinguistic and development perspective for the future? How is Africa’s historically grown multilingualism to be reflected in meaningful national as well as supra-national language policies?
The journal also welcomes studies of pilot projects and new approaches to using African languages in various domains. This means that the journal is open both to field-based research and conceptual and theoretical works. Though focused on Africa, the journal also encourages comparisons with situations in other parts of the world. We also welcome suggestions for special issues and book reviews.
Submissions for the Journal are accepted on an ongoing basis. We accept submissions in English and French, but we encourage authors to add an extended abstract in an indigenous language of their choice. The editors are open to further suggestions in this area.
Editorial Team
Djouroukoro Diallo (Herausgeber), University of Bern (Switzerland)
Everlyn Kisembe, Moi University (Kenya)
Taiwo Oloruntoba-Oju, University of Ilorin (Nigeria)
Bert van Pinxteren, Leiden University (Netherlands)
Addisalem Yallew, Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
Editorial Assistants
Cosmas Rai Amenorvi
Caroline Story
Ignatius Usar
Book review editors
Michael Kretzer, University of Cape Town (South Africa)
Benard Mudogo, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (Kenya)
Editorial Board
Enoch Aboh (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Pius Akumbu (LLACAN, France)
Andy Chebanne (University of Botswana)
Francesca Dell'Oro (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
Mohomodou Houssouba (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Seraphin Kamdem (SOAS, University of London, UK)
Russell Kaschula (University of Western Cape, South Africa)
Yamina El Kirat El Allame (Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco)
Mogomme Masoga (University of the Free State, South Africa)
Fiona McLaughlin (University of Florida, USA)
Sarita Monjane Henriksen (Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo, Mozambique)
Salikoko Mufwene (University of Chicago, USA)
Martha Njui Mbu (University of Maroua, Cameroon)
Comfort Ojongnkpot (University of Buea, Cameroon)
Ekkehard Wolff (University of Leipzig, Germany)
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